CLAT Gurukul Proficiently Prepares You in Confidently Facing English Questions

Without proper guidance, it is not possible to ensure success in CLAT, as it is a tremendously tough exam on an All-India basis. CLAT Gurukul has ample expertise and several years of experience in coaching aspirants who successfully crack the exam. 

One of the crucial sections in the exam is English. It has a wide variety of questions on different topics. As the section doesn’t have quantitative calculation, it is possible to swiftly skim through and solve the questions saving a lot of time that can be utilized to tackle questions in other segments of CLAT.

An important topic on which English questions are set is ‘Spotting Errors.’ The candidates have to look for the errors from a bunch of options and choose the answer that is suitable for the particular question. Keep in mind that there could also be ‘no error’ in the sentence. 

Another vital topic on which questions are asked is ‘homophones’. Homophones are similar-sounding words with a subtle difference in meaning. You have to remain additionally alert in tackling these questions as you could commit silly mistakes here. When you know the answers, it does not take more than 5 seconds to tackle the question.

The reputed tutors of the best CLAT coaching in Patna, CLAT Gurukul, regularly prepare you through discussion sessions, coaching classes and mock tests to counter such questions. On D-day, you would have absolutely no issues in successfully answering questions that are related to topics ‘Spotting Errors’ and ‘Homophones’. 

Published by CLAT Gurukul

The best coaching institute providing online and classroom coaching for students preparing for CLAT and other various 5 Year Law Entrance Exams. Courses are designed for Xth passed and XIth & XIIth appearing or passing students.

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